Welcome to Schwartzies Sports and thank you for visiting. What began as an endeavor to teach myself WordPress as a hobby turned into something I had not initially envisioned. Searching for website ideas, the answer was right in front of me. As part of my pre-work morning routine, I would search through numerous websites and twitter feeds to get the latest news and happenings pertaining to my favorite sports teams. The idea of one single website that would be the gateway to the information I enjoyed struck me as something that could be useful to others as well.
The initial goal was to create a repository for all the websites I look at on a daily basis for the teams I follow. The idea grew from there and now close to a year later Schwartzies Sports contains information for every team included in the 4 major sports leagues: MLB, NBA, NFL and NHL
You will find links to popular websites and twitter feeds specific to each team along with team information and RSS feeds. Research was done for each team which is in no way comprehensive or complete but will be a continuing process to tweak and fine tune. No sites or twitter contributors were left off intentionally and apologies in advance for any omissions. I am open to suggestions, comments and welcome feedback both positive and constructive as long as tasteful and non-confrontational.
I hope you enjoy and look forward to hearing from you.
– Schwartzie
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