Al Davis was such a polarizing figure that people either admired or despised him. Most cared about what Davis thought on any issue, and he was captivating before an audience. Yet Davis rarely revealed much about himself, his philosophy and decision-making. Everyone knew of Davis and his catchy slogans, especially “Just Win, Baby.” But no one knew much about the man. Everyone, it seemed, had a strong opinion about Davis, but precious few had enough information about Davis to proffer an informed description. For the first time, people will receive an accurate, detailed portrayal of a man in the pantheon of notable sports figures of the 20th century, in a book chock-full of firsthand accounts from those who were present and played a role in many of the seminal moments in Davis illustrious career as the patriarch of the Raiders. Seldom is so much revealed about someone who went to such great lengths to perpetuate an aura of mystery, and control the nature and volume of information disseminated. Bruce Kebric and Jon Kingdon have teamed with Steve Corkran to take readers to a place long thought to be forbidden: Behind the Raiders Shield, for an unvarnished look at what it was like working for Al Davis.